Causal Inference with R – Instrumental Variables & RDD

Causal Inference with R – Instrumental Variables & RDD

Offered by

Social Science Research Institute


Causal Inference with R – Experiments is the fifth course on causal inference concepts and methods created by Duke University with support from eBay, Inc. Designed to teach you causal inference concepts, methods, and how to code in R with realistic data, this course focuses on how to use the advanced methods of instrumental variables and regression discontinuity to find causal effects. We will give you the reasoning be behind the methods, how you need to argue their validity, and what they look like in practice. We’ll stay away from dense statistical math and focus instead on higher level concepts that data scientists need to always consider when examining and making inferences about data. This course will cover:

  • Introduction to Instrumental Variables
  • Instrumental Variables in Practice
  • Regression Discontinuity Design
  • The Local Average Treatment Effect of IV


Matt Masten
Matt Masten

Associate Professor of Economics

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