Pandas for Data Science

Pandas for Data Science

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How can you effectively use Python to clean, sort, and store data? What are the benefits of using the Pandas library for data science? What best practices can data scientists leverage to better work with multiple types of datasets? In the third course of Data Science Python Foundations Specialization from Duke University, Python users will learn about how Pandas — a common library in Python used for data science — can ease their workflow.

We recommend you should take this course after the first two courses of the specialization. However, if you hold a prerequisite knowledge of basic algebra, Python programming, and NumPy, you should be able to complete the material in this course.

In the first week, we’ll discuss Python file concepts, including the programming syntax that allows you to read and write to a file. Then in the following weeks, we’ll transition into discussing Pandas more specifically and the pros and cons of using this library for specific data projects. By the end of this course, you should be able to know when to use Pandas, how to load and clean data in Pandas, and how to use Pandas for data manipulation. This will prepare you to take the next step in your data scientist journey using Python; creating larger software programs.

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