Coursera for Duke

Access Coursera courses and earn certificates for free

Coursera for Duke gives Duke students, staff, and faculty free access to over 4,000 online courses and Specializations on Coursera. Take any course you want, whenever you want. Learn new skills, explore a new subject, or advance your career goals. Earn a Coursera certificate to share on LinkedIn or your resume. You must have a Duke NetID to enroll.

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Created at Duke, by Duke faculty

Duke’s 100+ Coursera courses are taught by Duke faculty and instructors, based on their on-campus courses and scholarly work. They are developed at Duke using learning science and best practices in online course design to create engaging, effective learning experiences.

See Duke-created Courses


Access for Duke Alumni

Duke alumni can access Duke’s Coursera courses for free. If you are an alum interested in taking a course, please use your OneLink to log into Coursera for Duke Alumni. If you are a Duke alum and do not have a OneLink account, visit this page to register for your OneLink account.

Go to Coursera for Duke Alumni


Having trouble accessing Coursera for Duke Alumni? Let us know. Please contact us and we will email you a direct invitation to join within 72 hours.


Frequently Asked Questions


Can I receive university credit or a transcript for Duke Coursera courses?

Duke’s Coursera courses are not official courses at Duke University, but rather are courses created by Duke faculty in which you can earn a Coursera certificate. To learn more about Coursera certificates, please see Coursera’s page on Course Certificates. Coursera certificates do not represent university credit or continuing education units from Duke and do not come with a Duke University transcript.


What’s the difference between taking a course through Coursera for Duke and taking a course through the main Coursera site (

Coursera for Duke gives free access to Coursera courses that you would have to pay for if you accessed the course through the main Coursera website. The course experience is the same if you sign up for a course through Coursera for Duke or the main Coursera website. While most courses offered through the main Coursera website have a free audit option, learners who audit a course will not be able to earn a Coursera certificate and may not earn grades on assignments or have access to certain course elements.


I’m a Duke instructor and would like to integrate content from a Duke Coursera course into my on-campus course. How can I set this up?

Staff at Online Duke are available to help Duke faculty and instructors determine how to best incorporate a Duke Coursera course into their on-campus courses and programs. Contact Online Duke to learn more.