
Aug 2, 2022

Enroll in the Python, Bash and SQL Essentials for Data Engineering Specialization


Enhance your scripting, programming, and other data engineering skills by completing the Python, Bash and SQL Essentials for Data Engineering Specialization!

If you are looking to learn more about data scripting and programming your own list of commands, Duke has partnered with Coursera to offer the Python, Bash and SQL Essentials for Data Engineering Specialization. Learning to navigate these programming applications is essential for creating games, art applications, menu tabs, and other applications that require scripting and coding to create a full project. This beginner level specialization will introduce you to concepts and applications that are often utilized by software developers and technology programmers. 

This Specialization will be provided over four courses: 

  • Python and Pandas for Data Engineering: This course will introduce you to the process of setting up Python working environments. You will become familiar with utilizing Python, Pandas and other third party libraries for data analysis and manipulation. 
  • Linux and Bash for Data Engineering: This course highlights the fundamentals of Linux that are essential to performing data engineering tasks. You will navigate Bash and other data configurations thus developing the skills to manage and manipulate databases in the Bash environment.
  • Scripting with Python and SQL for Data Engineering: This course covers techniques that work effectively when using Python and SQL. You will learn how to use a modern text editor and how to perform operations to load and withdraw data. 
  • Web Applications and Command Line Tools for Data Engineering: This last section will allow you to take the data engineering concepts you have learned and apply them to real-world problems. You will use the Python, Bash and SQL techniques to create a thread of projects, ultimately resulting in building a powerful command-line tool that will automate testing and quality control. 

Once the specialization is completed, you will earn a certificate of completion. By this time, you will be equipped enough to perform operations and build command-lines that can be published and shared with a data registry.

This specialization is instructed by senior data engineer, author and educator Kennedy Behrman. Behrman has decades’ worth of experience with Python and data management in film, computing, machine learning, and media predicting, and currently serves as the Lead Software Developer at Envestnet

Behrman is joined by supporting instructors Noah Gift, Executive in Residence at Duke University, and Alfredo Deza, Senior Content Engineer at Microsoft. Their role is to consult with students enrolled in the specialization about the course content. 

To get started with your introduction to data engineering, visit 

Enhance your scripting, programming, and other data engineering skills by completing the Python, Bash and SQL Essentials for Data Engineering Specialization!