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Health & Medicine / Non-credit certificates

Stress First Aid for Healthcare Workers: A Peer Support Tool

Health care professionals, trainees, and students face unique stressors, and our short course on Stress First Aid seeks to provide you with a model... >>

Health & Medicine / Instructor-led courses

Health & Well-Being Coach Training

Ready to become a Health & Well-Being Coach? If you are interested in helping others to live their best life, the Health & Well-Being Coach... >>

Health & Medicine / Microlearning

The Medical Professionalism Project

An innovative short film series that explores the complex expectations, challenges and responsibilities of being a healthcare professional. >>

Biology & Life Sciences / Self-paced courses


在本课程中,学生将学习认识和应用说明人体九个器官系统中整体人体机能(作为完整有机体)的基本概念。 >>

Biology & Life Sciences / Self-paced courses

Introductory Human Physiology

Learn to recognize and to apply the basic concepts that govern integrated body function in the body's nine organ systems. >>

Biology & Life Sciences / Self-paced courses

Medical Neuroscience

Explore the functional organization and neurophysiology of the human central nervous system. >>

Biology & Life Sciences / Self-paced courses

Tropical Parasitology: Protozoa, Worms, Vectors and Human Disease

Gain an understanding of important human parasitic diseases that occur in tropical regions. >>

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